Scattered Clouds Version 1.0 Cloud coverage for the Microsoft Flight Simulator v4.0 (c) 1993 - John Mechalas The following anomolies occur with this scenery: * Sometimes, after you load JM-1.SCN from the scenery disk menu, FS4 will (for reasons yet unknown) turn on the "Auto-Load" option, and will then proceed to re-load the defaul FS4 scenery. The best way around this is to do the following: Load JM-1.SCN and hit ESC instead of SPACE when you see the cenery disk title screen. Hitting ESC will take you back to the scenery menu. If you now see the "Auto-Load" option has been turned on, turn it off and re-load JM-1.SCN. This usually takes care of the problem. If it *still* insists on turning the "Auto-Load" option on, then re-load JM-1.SCN, hit ESC, and VERY QUICKLY turn off the "Auto-Load" option before FS has a chance to re-load the default scenery. * Due to the interactions between SC1 and SCN files, as well as the interactions between the various SC1 objects, you may some- times see the clouds displayed in front of buildings or objects when the clouds are in fact behind them. This is a regular occurrance within SC1 files, and it is not likely to go away. :) * If you decide you want to set overcast skies using the FS CLOUDS menu, you will see my clouds displayed as well. This is because my clouds use the Colud Coverage selections in the CLOUDS menu to control cloud display (as explained in SCTCLD.ZIP), and they don't turn "off" during overcast conditions...something that *will* be changed in the future. * When transferring from one scenery region to another, the clouds in the sky (if turned on) will appear to jump in location. This is because the clouds are part of the SC1 files and not the SCN files, so when you switch regions, the absoulte position of the clouds will change. * There is a "black hole" located right at Pueblo, Colorado where the Lat/Long (according to A&SD) "skips" over several minutes. This led to a little bit of fudging on my part, and the scenery may not be perfectly aligned or rotated in that area. * Mountains do not change color at night to save on SC1 file space. Dusk/night colored mountains take up as much space as the original mountain, and moutains are *very* expensive. * I have done as much as I can to eliminate severe altitude "jumping". Unfortunately, because Colorado is not very flat, there is going to be some jumping that I just can't eliminate.